New Year, New Look!

Bernadette Austin, Acting Director

As we embark on a new year, (and indeed new decade), the Center for Regional Change is rolling out several new approaches to the way we tell stories of regional change and otherwise communicate with our partners. You may have noticed a new look for our e-newsletter Region Matters. Have you also noticed our new logo? Developed over the last several months, our new logo strives to represent the variety of regions that we work with, including rural and urban communities, and natural and built environments. A rising sun is central to the image, demonstrating our hope for positive change in the future. The changes in communication are more than visual. In the coming year, we plan to roll out new ways of sharing information about our research activities and the impact it has on communities as told by our dynamic research team and collaborative partners. We look forward to sharing articles that tell the stories of community-engaged research from the perspective of those doing the work. For example, in the spring you will have the opportunity to read about the 2020 cohort of Bradshaw Scholars and the research projects they are working on—in their own words. In addition, we will be hosting interactive webinars describing the potential applications of our cutting edge research or demonstrating how to use new tools developed by CRC faculty affiliates and research staff. Between blog posts, webinars, and online videos, our goal is to share information in more ways that are engaging and accessible for the many people who can benefit from this important and transformative work. If you have an idea for a blog, webinar, or video, please contact us at Thank you for your continued interest in research that matters for regions.

-Bernadette Austin, Acting Director, Center for Regional Change