Special Announcement from the Faculty Director

Dear Colleagues,
For the past 15 years, directing the Center for Regional Change has been a singular passion and honor. In that time we built the organization into a leader in action-oriented research and engagement on issues of social, racial, economic and environmental justice. We have informed regional and state policies related to youth health and well-being, drinking water, cumulative environmental hazards, transportation, housing, and economic development and helped transform UC Davis into a center of excellence on engaged scholarship.
We now have a highly talented staff of research and engagement specialists, a dedicated faculty executive committee, an inspiring group of cross-sectoral leaders in our Regional Advisory Committee, and a vital network of faculty affiliates. Just this winter, after a rigorous review, the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences has renewed the CRC for another 5-year term.
It is from this position of strength that I have made the decision to step down as Faculty Director of the CRC and have asked the College to initiate a recruitment process for a new director. I have agreed to stay on until the new Faculty Director is appointed. Recruitment Announcement can be found here
We are excited to attract a new leader with vision and commitment to build on the CRC’s strengths and bring it to new heights. The College has begun to disseminate a position description and I invite you to consider applying or recommending someone to the Faculty Director Search Committee Chair, Steve Wheeler smwheeler@ucdavis.edu.
Thank you for your partnership!
Jonathan K. London
Faculty Director, Center for Regional Change
Associate Professor, Human Ecology/ Community and Regional Development