
2018 Regional Change Research Faculty Grants Program

2018 Regional Change Research Faculty Grants Program
Deadline: April 6, 2018

The UC Davis Center for Regional Change is accepting applications from faculty members of any discipline interested in research on topics related to community and regional development issues, (including but not limited to land use, transportation, housing, environmental justice, and economic development). Attention to issues of social equity and inclusion are particularly encouraged.

About the Center for Regional Change
The CRC is a catalyst for innovative, collaborative, and action-oriented research. It brings together faculty and students from different disciplines, and builds bridges between university, policy, advocacy, business, philanthropy and other sectors. The CRC's goal is to support the building of healthy, equitable, prosperous, and sustainable regions in California and beyond. The CRC is housed within and with core support from the UC Davis College oAgricultural and Environmental Sciences.

The CRC is offering a granting opportunity to support faculty pursuing research on regional change-oriented topics. The CRC will be awarding up to $10,000 in grant funding with a maximum of $2,000 per proposal. Successful applicants will receive the awards as research funds to be transferred to their home departments.

Eligible applicants include individuals or research teams with at least one individual who is a member of the UC Davis Academic Senate or Federation. Funding can be used to support student work on the project.

Award grantees will produce a research brief (3-4 pages) that summarizes the project and the applications to community and regional change to be published and disseminated through the CRC within one year of receipt of funds.

Application Guidelines
1.   Proposal narrative of 1,000 to 1,500 words;
2.   Curriculum vitae for each research team partner.  Resumes can be substituted for non- academic partners;
3.   Detailed budget.

Evaluation Criteria
The CRC review team of faculty from multiple disciplines will review proposals based on the following set of established criteria (not in order of importance.)
1.   The intellectual significance of the proposed project and its value to scholarship on regional change;
2.   The extent to which the project engages with and/or aims to be of service to an underrepresented or underserved community;
3.   The impact and value of the project for the broader community;
4.   The applicants experience and potential for publically-oriented work;
5.   The feasibility and appropriateness of the work plan.

Please submit all documents via email to crcinfo@ucdavis.edu with subject line: “Faculty Research Award.”  Proposals are due by 5:00 PM on April 6, 2018.  Late submissions will not be accepted.

Please email any questions to crcinfo@ucdavis.edu.

CRC Faculty Awards Flyer

Primary Category