Climate Readiness Through Local Planning
UC Davis Center for Regional Change, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo have partnered to develop tools and training to support local and regional governments to reach their sustainability and climate planning goals and align them with the State’s climate commitments towards (1) decarbonization in the built environment, (2) zero emission vehicle adoption, and (3) reducing vehicle miles traveled. Together with Community Based Organization partners, we will engage local governments and their representatives in the implementation of tools to support climate planning, including the first databases of California General Plans and Climate Action Plans.
The three major objectives are to:
(1) Identify barriers that local governments face in implementing climate action policies and ways in which these barriers can be overcome in alignment with the State’s climate commitments.
(2) Identify ways for state agencies to support local governments and community-based organizations in tackling climate actions at the local level.
(3) Conduct capacity-building sessions for local government and regional government representatives, community-based organizations, climate action advocates, and other stakeholders around implementing priority climate policies, focused on education about state climate goals, resources, and priority policies using existing partnerships and networks.
Support Tools:
Search engine for California city and county General Plans. Type in your search terms and compare approaches from across California to inform plan updates in your jurisdiction.
Climate Action Plan database: find examples of climate action plans from across California
Community handouts to learn more about:
Slide deck to learn and share more about climate planning in your community.
A data table which summarizes existing data on sustainability and transportation goals across California by summarizing jurisdiction policies on electric vehicle readiness, decarbonization, and vehicle miles traveled as incorporated in their general and climate action plans.