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Revealing the Invisible Coachella Valley: Putting Cumulative Environmental Vulnerabilities on the Map

Revealing the Invisible Coachella Valley: Putting Cumulative Environmental Vulnerabilities on the Map 

Authors: Jonathan K. London, Teri Greenfield, and Tara Zagofsky

The Center for Regional Change and the California Institute of Rural Studies have partnered with the Eastern Coachella Valley Building Healthy Communities (ECV-BHC) to advance environmental justice-related policy and systems change priorities in the Eastern Coachella Valley. The goals are to increase the capacity of the ECV-BHC partners to access relevant, accurate and timely sources of data and to increase utilization of this data for advocacy, organization and education. The project is funded by The California Endowment.

Revealing the Invisible Coachella Valley: Putting Cumulative Environmental Vulnerabilities on the Map is the result of a two-year partnership with environmental justice, health, and farm worker advocates. The report shows that the majority of residents, who are primarily low-income people of color, face extreme levels of environmental hazards including drinking water contamination, hazardous land uses, pesticides as well as poor quality housing and infrastructure. The report was designed and conducted by the CRC; it was commissioned by the California Institute for Rural Studies with generous support from The California Endowment/ Building Healthy Communities.


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