Data Scavenger Hunt: Environmental Justice and Health

Data Scavenger Hunt: Environmental Justice and Health

The UC Davis Center for Regional Change (CRC) aims to support youth and adult researchers’ access to and use of data and analyses that may complement their social change efforts—potentially as context, as additive information, and/or as a focus of critique and further development. This data scavenger hunt activity guides participants through the Regional Opportunity Index and CalEnviroScreen online tools to find census tract-level data and maps that speak to the intersections of environmental hazards, social vulnerability and health.

A key focus of the CRC's work is to help cultivate critical geographic data literacy among our partners. By critical geographic data literacy, we mean the understanding that data, maps and research are powerful tools that can be used to empower or disempower and cause ease or dis-ease, the knowledge that no single dataset provides a complete and complex vantage point on experience, the skills to use geospatial data and research responsibly in this context, and active engagement in what it means to employ geographic agency for social good. For additional resources and activities, please visit the website for our Making Youth Data Matter Curriculum.

Click here to access the Environmental Justice Data Mapping Scavenger Hunt Worksheet.

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