2017 Research and Travel Award Recipients

The research and travel awards program is an annual funding opportunity for UC Davis students in social science-oriented departments and graduate groups within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.  Students will use this funding for summer travel and/or research, as well as a master’s thesis/doctoral dissertation improvement grant.

Center for Regional Change Annual Report

It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since the launch of the Center for Regional Change. This decade has certainly been a time of tremendous change within the CRC, the campus, and the world as a whole. There is much to celebrate, and there are many social, political, economic, and environmental challenges that make our work all the more crucial.

Built Landscapes of Metropolitan Regions

Built Landscapes of Metropolitan Regions 

The “collage city” of the postmodern metropolitan region is made up of many different types of built landscapes—neighborhood-scale patterns of streets, blocks, parcels, buildings, and infrastructure—each of which have implications for livability, sustainability, and equity. This project under the guidance of Prof. Stephen M. Wheeler has developed a global typology of 27 built landscape types and has mapped those in GIS for 24 urban regions.

The Provost’s Forums on the Public University and the Social Good

To complement other campus efforts, the Office of the Provost established a new speaker series entitled The Provost’s Forums on the Public University and the Social Good. This series is aimed at furthering awareness and dialogue on this important topic within and beyond the university community, and also at exploring the potential to make UC Davis a center for the study of the role of the public university in contemporary society.

CRC and UC Davis Superfund Program

The Center for Regional Change is working with the UC Davis Superfund Program and community partners to learn about community concerns about agricultural use of biosolids in Kern County, CA and apply SRP-technologies and expertise to address these community driven questions.

Collaborating on a pilot project, the UC Davis Superfund Research Program (SRP) and the UC Davis Center for Regional Change (CRC) aim to:

Environmental Justice and Regional Change in the Central Valley

Environmental Justice and Regional Change in the Central Valley is an interdisciplinary study of the social equity impacts of regionalism in environmental governance.

We systematically examine how racial minority, low-income, and immigrant communities fare in the rescaling of decision-making about regional land use, transportation, housing, and water management.