CRC Report

Center for Regional Change: Celebrating 10 Years 2007-2017

Center for Regional Change: Celebrating 10 Years 2007-2017

It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since the launch of the Center for Regional Change. This decade has certainly been a time of tremendous change within the CRC, the campus, and the world as a whole. There is much to celebrate, and there are many social, political, economic, and environmental challenges that make our work all the more crucial.

Our dear and late colleague, the visionary humanitarian Ted Bradshaw, conceived of the CRC as a hub for innovative, interdisciplinary, and engaged scholarship. He strove to create a center that could inform the building of healthy, prosperous, sustainable, and equitable regions in California and beyond. His vision is the lodestar that has continued to guide the CRC. Ten years on, I am proud and humbled to reflect on the progress we have made toward this end.

Indeed, from the start, the CRC has set itself on an ambitious course to provide distinctive, regional perspectives on issues related to labor, environmental justice, housing, education, political representation, and more. Over the years, the center has become a go-to resource for action-oriented research for the campus, and for communities and regions throughout and (most recently) beyond California. As we look forward to our next ten years, we renew our commitment to work together, exploring innovative ways to build healthy, prosperous, sustainable, and equitable regions.

In community,
Jonathan K. London, CRC Faculty Director

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