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Strengthening Pathways

This documentation was compiled by the UC Davis School of Education (Nancy Erbstein, Associate Professor of Education in Residence, PI) and Center for Regional Change (Brandon Louie, Director of Community Engagement, and Edith Duran, Community Engagement Coordinator) and commissioned by the CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California State Office as part of its Youth Engagement Initiative. Kyle Taniguchi and Katherine Menendez, from the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, provided design and accessibility support for the report.

Ted Bradshaw Engaged Student Scholars Program - Scholar Overview

Ted Bradshaw Engaged Student Scholars Program 

The CRC Student Engaged Scholars Program is open to undergraduate and graduate students at UC Davis. Scholars are connected with providers in a matching process based on the application information. Participants will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with research faculty and campus/community partners on social justice and environmental issues.

2018-19 Social Science Graduate Student Awards

2018-19 Social Science Graduate Student Awards
Every year, the UC Davis Institute for Social Sciences, in partnership with the CRC, awards several research and travel grants to social science graduate students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.  For fiscal year 2018-19, here is a list of the awardees and the projects they are working on.

Samuel Bird

Students Missing Class is a Red Alert But Researchers Say They Have a New Tool to Address the School Absence Problem

Students Missing Class is a Red Alert But Researchers Say They Have a New Tool to Address the School Absence Problem

Educators consider chronic absenteeism a red alert — a blaring sign that a student might be academically at risk.  But schools and parents now have a new tool to investigate the problem, in the form of open-source data collected by UC Davis and research partners Attendance Works and Children Now.  Together, they produced “

Confronting Environmental Racism Event 2018

Confronting Environmental Racism Event 2018

CRC Faculty Director Jonathan London recently presented at the Confronting Environmental Racism event sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento and Sacramento Area Congregations Together.  The afternoon explored the causes of environmental inequity, including radicalized historical legacies and structural/institutional racism.  The forum also explored ways to address the conditions created by

2018 Regional Change Research Faculty Grants Program Awardees

2018 Regional Change Research Faculty Grants Program Awardees

The UC Davis Center for Regional Change recently awarded the 2018 Regional Change Research Faculty Grants to an interdisciplinary cohort of faculty engaged in research on topics related to community and regional development issues.  Attention to issues of social equity and inclusion were particularly encouraged.  For 2018, the awardees are as follows:

UC Davis Give Day

UC Davis Give Day

UC Davis Give Day is a 29-hour fundraising event that begins at noon on Friday, April 20 and ends at 5:00 PM on Saturday, April 21.  This is over our Picnic Day celebration.  Community Development Graduate Group alumna Kamal (c/o ’93 & ‘12) and Ravi (c/o ’90) Khaira have provided a $2,500 challenge gift to encourage others to support the Center for Regional Change's Ted Bradshaw Engaged Student Scholarship.

CRC in the News: New Report Finds Solutions for Water Justice Close at Hand

New Report Finds Solutions for Water Justice Close at Hand

New research from the University of California, Davis, uncovers data about the most vulnerable communities in California’s San Joaquin Valley and identifies ways to provide access to safe drinking water.
Published in Water Deeply 04/06/18, Written by Tara Lohan (@taralohan)

Water Legislation Could Spread Clean Water Access

Water Legislation Could Spread Clean Water Access

By Sara Jerome @sarmje

California lawmakers are considering a drinking water proposal that water agencies see as a threat of unnecessary fees. Proponents say it will spread access to clean water, which many California residents still lack.

The legislation would establish a fund to help communities facing drinking water contamination pay for improvements.